
Junior High

Everyone in grades 6-8 are invited to join us Tuesday Nights from 7-9pm for Jr High. We work hard to make sure all students feel welcome and safe. We strive to make this group a place where students can be themselves and make great friendships while doing it. Our leaders love connecting with students over games, food, and discussion.

On a Tuesday night, not only do we want our students to get to know themselves and their peers better, but, most importantly, we want them to know God better. Through the pages of the Bible and by the example of our leaders, we want our students to know God by knowing Jesus. It is our prayer that they gain a relationship with Him through Jesus or mature in their faith if that relationship already exists.

A typical night is full of all kinds of fun! Games, activities, often times food, student-led sharing times, as well as a specific time for a biblically-focused and relevant discussion. Beyond this, there’s all kinds of other out-of-the-ordinary events happening throughout the year. Be sure to check out our calendar at the bottom of this page so you know what’s happening at Jr High.

Senior High

Our Sr High at Grand River will also be meeting on Tuesdays. Anyone in grades 9-12 are welcome to join us. Come hang out with us and enjoy some games, food, and relevant discussion. Our leaders are awesome people who want the chance to get to know you and show you how much you are loved. On top of this, we want to help you discover your place in the world.

Part of that discovery is helping you find your place before God. You have the awesome privilege of knowing Him in a personal way through Jesus. So, whether you’re completely disinterested in all things religion (or the Christian faith in particular), or you’re already a Christian and want some help to grow in your faith, or you’re somewhere in between, we’re the place for you. Through the Bible, and by knowing Jesus, we’re confident you can find the answers you’re looking for.

Be sure to check out our calendar at the bottom of this page so you know about all of the great events that are coming up. (That’s right, we don’t just sit and talk every night. In fact, we never just sit and talk. Although, we are definitely ready to do that if that’s what you want to do.) See you soon!

New Calendar Coming Soon!